How does Smarter Cap Work

Simple to use Smarter Cap automatically advances to the next scheduled time of pill intake when a Cap is applied back to bottle. Smarter bottle cap will always remind you the next intake of your meds, will improve adherence and better pill taking experience.

Blank Canvas Design Options

Patented Smarter Cap is fully scalable and available with indicator for 1, 2, 3 and 4 times per day prescription schedules with insignia on Top, Side or both Top and Side window display.

Low cost disposable Smarter Cap costs about the same as regular disposable bottle caps and consists of few pieces of plastic and a spring. Smarter Cap is available for both standard and child-resistant bottles with or without heated foil seal. Perfect for both, continuous thread and blown molded bottles with 33mm and larger neck openings that are used for pills and supplements. Completely compatible with high speed fill lines. We will work with your current bottle supplier to incorporate our technology into their bottles or work with our manufacturing partner to supply bottles with our indicating technology made to your specifications.

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Consumer Adherence Solution

Smarter Cap is an effective solution to improve adherence for millions of people by simplifying and regulating the patient's scheduled medication intake, resulting in improved health and quality of life. According to New England Healthcare Institute research, yearly cost of poor drug adherence in US alone accounts for 300,000 deaths and $300 billion in US health care costs!


Beneficial For

Pharmaceutical and Vitamin Brands

Innovative Smarter Cap will definitely set you apart from the rest, attract new consumers, increase your market presence and differentiate your brand, while increased compliance results in better renewal rates and time, which is good for business as well.

Smarter Cap license is available to pharmaceutical, vitamin industry and closure distributers. Private label is also available. We will work with your current bottle supplier to incorporate our technology into their bottles according to your specifications.

About Us

Smarter Cap is a privately owned company based in US, that recently been awarded a US Patent (Worldwide Patents pending) for innovative device that updates an ordinary
bottle cap to promote better compliance.

Our goal was simple: find a way to fight one of the most demanding healthcare challenges of today - medication adherence.
After countless hours of engineering, drawings, disappointing prototypes and capital investments - We have succeeded. Smarter Cap was created – and it was good.

Our vision is to make Smarter Cap the universal standard for pharmaceutical industry here in US and abroad.
We strongly believe that disposable Smarter Cap will improve adherence for millions and save lives of people around the world.

Because every individual matters.

Minimum purchase 1,000 pieces
Price: $.50 to $1.10 depending on model
Payment: Company check or credit card
Shipping: FedEx

Contact US

Talk to us about Smarter Cap

If you would like to speak with a representative regarding product purchase or additional information, please fill out the submission form below and we will contact you within 1-2 business days.
